Country Colors Greenhouse Ohio Welcome

Trees & Shrubs

Trees & Shrubs

Most often we plant trees, bushes, and shrubs to beautify our landscapes. You won’t have any trouble finding a wide selection of trees, bushes, and shrubs at Country Colors! The bold green tones of trees and shrubs will enhance a garden of any size in a front or back yard.  You may also be happy to know that there are many other benefits that can be acquired by using these plants to enhance your landscape.
Think about it this way, why not elevate your landscape and also obtain shade or energy benefits at the same time. Placement of all of your plants should be appealing but you may have a real chance at saving energy and shading benefits also!
Properly selected and placed landscaping can provide excellent wind protection, or windbreaks, which may reduce heating costs considerably. Furthermore, the benefits from these windbreaks can increase as the trees and shrubs mature.
Shading from trees can reduce surrounding air temperatures as much as 9° F! Trees can be selected with appropriate sizes, densities, and shapes for almost any shading application. Trees can also be used to give your yard a more private feel.
We feel that trees and shrubs can provide endless benefits and endless beauty to your garden so come check out our selection today!
If you are not sure about where to start, it is a good idea to get some helpful advice from our staff who can advise you on what type of trees and shrubs are best for your area. Learn how to select the best shrubbery for your garden or yard here at Country Colors!

Looking for something specific? Give us a call at 740.392.2144 or send an email to, if we don't have it, we would be happy to try to find it for you!